Introduction of P. Swamini Samatananda Saraswati

Swamini Samatananda Saraswati is a Mahatma of Vedanta Mission. She studied Vedanta at Vedanta Ashram, at Indore (MP, India), which she joined in 1996 for a three years intensive course on Vedanta & Hinduism.
In her poorvashram Swamini Samatanandaji hailed from Mumbai and is a daughter of a well-established businessman there. She completed her graduation and acquired her B.A. (Honors in Literature). She later acquired a diploma in Travel & Tourism and also worked for sometime for a private company there.
During this time she came in contact with Poojya Guruji Sri Swami Atmananda Saraswati. She was later blessed and initiated by him with mantra deeksha. In 1996, she joined the full time Vedanta Course at Vedanta Ashram, Indore, under Poojya Swamini Amitananda Saraswatiji .
At the Ashram she got an opportunity to do an in depth study of Gita, Upanishads and other texts of Vedanta. After the Vedanta Course she was given the Naishthik Brahmacharya Deeksha and was named as Brahmacharini Maitreyi Chaitanya. The new initiate was later advised by Poojya Guruji to study the teachings of Guru Grantha Sahib with special emphasis on devotion & service finally culminating in knowledge of Brahman. During this period she experimented with revealing the basic essence of the teachings of Guru Nanak Dev integrating it with her knowledge of Vedanta.
On 30th April 2004 at Vedanta Ashram, she was blessed and initiated into Sanyas Ashram. Thereafter she came to be known as Swamini Samatananda Saraswati. With this final initiation a new chapter has begun in her life. With the blessings and guidance of Poojya Guruji she established the UK Chapter of Vedanta Mission, which she keeps visiting every year. In 2006 & 2007 a special drive of propagating Hanuman Chalisa was successfully undertaken in dozens of towns & cities of the UK.
Poojya Swaminiji is regularly conducting Gita Gyana Yagnas, both in English and Hindi, in Mumbai regularly. Her numerous English language Podcasts on Vedanta and Hinduism have been widely heard & appreciated all over the world and are available on the web site of Vedanta Mission.