Introduction of P. Swamini Poornananda Saraswati

Swamini Poornananda Saraswatiji was initiated into the Sanyas Ashram on 12th March 2002, the Mahashivratri Day at Vedanta Ashram, Indore, by Poojya Swamini Amitanandaji. Earlier she had successfully completed the three years Vedanta Course being run at the Ashram by Poojya Swaminiji.
Sw. Poornaji comes from a place in northern Maharashtra, and did her post-graduation and also B.Ed. before taking up the job of a Lady Instructor with a semi-government cooperative organization in Maharashtra. During this time she came into the contact of Poojya Swami Chandrakiranji Maharaj, who blessed & initiated her with mantra deeksha. It was at his Ashram that she met Poojya Guruji & Poojya Swaminiji. This meeting was later going to change the course of her life. In 1996 when the first Vedanta Course was about to begin at the Vedanta Ashram, Indore she finally decided that she is meant for some other goal, and leaving her job joined the Ashram as a full time student.
At the Vedanta Ashram she studied the Prasthan Trayi along with the commentaries of Sri Adi Sankaracharya, and since then is continuously reveling in the ancient spiritual wisdom of this great land. She delivers her discourses in Hindi & Marathi language.
She is based at the Vedanta Ashram, from where she goes to different places to conduct discourses on Gita & other Vedantic text.