22nd to 28th Dec
The winter GITA GYANA YAGNA of Poojya Guruji Sri Swami Atmanandaji at Mumbai was organized at Vivekananda Auditorium, inside the Ramakrishna Campus in Khar (W), Mumbai, from 22nd Dec to 28th Dec.
The subject matter of the discourse series were Gita Chapter-2 and Mandukya Upanishad, Adwaita Prakarana (Chapter 3 of Karika).

The 2nd Chapter of Bhagwad Gita is called the Sankhya Yoga and has 72 shlokas. It starts with the despondent Arjuna who because of his indecisiveness and the consequent suffocating grief was completely broken and could not fight. The chapter ends with Arjuna regaining his composure and was asking question about who a perfect person is - the so called Sthita Pragnya. So the 2nd chapter reveals the complete journey from ignorance to knowledge. Bhagwan started after Arjuna specifically requested for knowledge. He said I am your shishya, please enlighten me. The Guru first told him that the truly wise never grief, and all grief is a product of our Moha - baseless conclusions. He starts by telling him that the real truth of me, you and everyone else is imperishable life principle, which transcends this body-mind complex. Those who know this never grieve. Even if we do not know that the self is avinashi yet we should never grieve because that which is born has to die and that which dies is born again. He also reveals another angle of baselessness of grief. The swadharma angle and the Art of Positive Karma - Karma Yoga. All this made Arjuna interested and the chapter ends with the description of the man of knowledge. It is an awesome chapter, and was dealt also in an awesome way.
Adwaita Prakarana deals with revealing how non-duality alone is real and how to wake to that state.